Sunday, July 22, 2012

Faith Connections 4:: Strong Roots

Scripture Reading

As a family tell the Parable of the Sower together. Invite each member to pick a part of the story and share that part. Then read Matthew 13:5. 

Conversation Starters

   Why did the seeds in the rocks not grow very well? (They didn't have strong roots).
   Why do you think plants need strong roots to grow?
   What do people need to help them grow well?


Getting Started: 
Our Roots
We all have people and experiences in our lives that have shaped and grounded us in our faith. Spend sometime talking as a family about those things or people who have been your "roots of faith." String a clothes line somewhere in the house. Have each person draw a picture of themselves on a piece of paper. Hang everyone's picture from the clothes line. Have each person draw a picture of two or three experiences or people who have been roots of faith for them. Tape those things under that person's self portrait. Encourage your family members to add to your root system as you think about other people or things that have helped shape you.

On the go:
Eating Roots
We eat a lot of roots that have nutrients. Potatoes, carrots, jicama, ginger...Find a fun recipe for an on the go snack made from different roots. Talk about how roots in our lives are like nutrients for our faith lives. 

Digging deeper:
In Memory
Many of us have family members who were instrumental in our faith lives who have passed away or are still living. As a family think of a special person who means a lot to you. Plant something special in honor of that person.

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