Sunday, July 8, 2012

Faith Connection 2::Well Planted

Scripture Reading

Read Mark 4:1-9
We will spend the entire summer reading the Parable of the Sower in different ways. We will begin with the passage in Mark. Read it from a favorite family Bible.

Conversation Starters

   Why did Jesus tell this story?
   What is your favorite part of the story?
   Is there any part of the story we could take out and still have all the story we need? 
   What does this story mean to you? What are the seeds, plants, rocks, birds, dirt..?

*There are no right or wrong answers to these questions. Enjoy seeing how your children hear and understand the story.


Getting Started: 
Living it Out
Try out planting in different types of soil, just like the sower did. Go to the store and pick out some seeds, maybe wildflowers, green beans, or something else that you know will be able to grow. As a family try planting the seeds in different areas. Plant some on a path, in a pot of rocks, in rocks with dirt, next to other plants, and in really good soil. Invite family members to choose different places to plant the seeds. Make hypothesis of what will happen with each of the different seeds. Watch them grow. Spend some time during the week visiting the seeds to see if anything happens. As you watch the different plants grow, talk to your children about different ways each person in your family grows close to God. 

On the go:
Growth Hunt
When you are visiting a new place, whether you go on a hike, a walk in a city park, or stroll along the ocean look for signs of growth. Watch for plants that are growing well. Watch for plants that are struggling to grow. Take pictures of them. Talk about what helps the plants and what hurts the plants. Then talk about what helps and hurts people from growing. 

Digging deeper:
Growing in God Contract
As a family talk about how you can encourage one another to grow in "good soil." What are different ways your family can help one another grow in a fruitful relationship with God? It could be praying before bed every night, doing a family devotion once a week, singing specials songs in the car, etc. As a family write a contract about what your family will do to encourage growth in one another. Have everyone sign it.

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